Wednesday 25 September 2013

Lesson 1: It's OK to hide from the the kids sometimes.

I'm not ashamed to admit it.  I sometimes hide from my kids.  OK, maybe not in the hide-and-seek sense of the word, but I often take cover in child-free parts of my home to avoid being harassed.  Let me explain.  I am the only female in the house.  I live with my two sweet but very loud and talkative boys (six and three), and my hubby. As is the case in most households, someone always seems to need something from mom.  If I'm not prepping a meal, wiping a butt or picking up miscellaneous crusty goop off the floor, then I am being called on to find the tiniest missing Lego piece, help with homework or dish out fashion advice to a colour blind man.

I love my family, but being a stay-at-home mom means I'm always on-call and I rarely get quiet time.  So sometimes I'll tuck myself away in the laundry room for longer than is necessary to wash even the dirtiest of clothes.  Having Ryan Gosling posters over my washer and dryer makes my time there rather enjoyable.  

Other times I'll go about my day as quietly as possible.  I've come to the conclusion that kids are kind of like zombies in the Walking Dead.  In the world of modern TV zombies, loud sounds attract the living dead.  Only the quiet go undisturbed and in turn, uneaten.   My kids aren't literally flesh-eating walkers (although they do sound like them when they whine) but the same conditions apply to my boys. If I'm silent enough around the house my sons almost forget I'm around and leave me alone for a while.

As you've probably guessed, I'm not a perfect, cardigan-wearing mom who never complains about her children and keeps her cool at all costs.  I wish I was one of those moms.  I've tried to be one of those moms. It's  not in my genes, and cardies don't flatter my petite torso.  I lose my temper, I bribe my kids with jellybeans, I let them play way too many video games, and I sometimes fantasize about running away and changing my name.  Despite these flaws,  I'm a good mom who learns from her countless mistakes and tries to be better everyday.  My kids are the best thing that ever happened to me.  They constantly teach me something new about myself and about life.  I hope you'll join me as I share my silly take on life with kids and the lessons I learn along the way. 


  1. nice start to your blogging career :)

  2. I can relate. Good on you for being honest. we ALL feel the same way (even those who claim they don't!). I used spend more time than necessary on the throne. They eventually stopped scratching at the door.
    And welcome to blogland! Can't wait to hear more of your wisdom!
